Practice what you Preach – How NOT to Cross Media Market
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New Hewlett-Packard Cross Media Case Study

JFM Concepts is proud to announce the release of a new Hewlett-Packard Case Study. The paper covers how HP used VDP Web to effectively touch multiple channels, products and brands across broad geographic territories. 

The paper details how individual brand managers or their marketing service providers can easily create and execute sustainable cross media campaigns without support from other internal departments.  Download a copy at

This type of variable campaign can be executed without the acquisition of new marketing skills and trained employees, the purchase of new software and licenses, or the addition of expensive hardware. By implementing an automated lead generation system, a large universe of prospects can be narrowed to a list of warm leads which can dramatically improves response rates and Return on Investment (ROI). The entire campaign can be tracked with detailed reporting that is available 24/7 and can include all facets of the campaign.

Special thanks to the Gap Marketing Group for their leadership on this project.


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They also have tools in place to measure actual customer experiences.

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